Delivery Time

Delivery time depends if we have the ordered items in store or if we have to make them for you.
90% of our products are made to order.

Terms of manufacturing are different and depend on the complexity of the product and some technological features: on the catsuit is 4-5 weeks; on corsets, dresses, leggings – 2-4 weeks; the laundry and a simple masks – about 1-2 weeks.

Manufacture of latex – is handmade, laborious and lengthy process. Unlike sewing on the machine, gluing on one seam can take an hour, and pasting items of medium complexity – more than a day. In addition, production phases and different stages (cutting, gluing, installation accessories and output quality control) performed by different people in different places. So that the period of the order of several weeks – absolutely real, and unfortunately we can not reduce it.

Please allow 7-8 weeks for special or made-to-measure items (which make up the biggest part of our collection, due to the variety of combinations and colors available). Of course we will inform you about shipping details and delivery time in a personal E-mail.